Comments on: Study: Length of Birth Plan Correlates to Length of C-Section Scar Earth's Finest Medical News Site for Healthcare Professionals Fri, 17 May 2019 20:14:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lindsay T Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:57:00 +0000 In reply to Carmel O’Dwyer.

Well, that’s lovely for the people who can birth their children without intervention. However, with my first I was quite toxic, had been in labour for 2 days and ended up with a C-section (saved HIS life and mine) The second time around I had HELLP syndrome, which is a shut down of some very major systems in your body. Now, had I not had health care intervention (WAY above and beyond good hygiene and nutrition, I might add) I wouldn’t have survived that birth to begin with, let alone the second. If not for the Dr.’s and nurses who cared for me I wouldn’t be here today. Now, yes, it was scary being strapped naked to an operating table when you pictured 2 days ago that by now you’d be holding a baby. But are you having a baby to have a delivery story? or are you having a baby to build your family? There are many possibilities now for women to have their children at home, and if you feel safe doing such, a person should. But don’t attack a Dr. and countless nurses whose ONLY goal is to have you deliver a safe, healthy baby and call them rapists. The fact is many women and children died in childbirth, not JUST because of hygiene and nutrition, but because there are actual medical emergencies going on. Yes we’re built to have babies, some better than others, but that does not make it simple, easy or without risk. I’d rather feel embarrassed for a few hours about people seeing my naked body, a line of people getting prepped to help me; than to have a Dr take my hand and tell me he’s sorry my baby died because there was no intervention available that he was allowed to perform.

By: John Sat, 24 Jan 2015 07:27:00 +0000 In reply to Carmel O’Dwyer.

Women like you are the reason I avoided OB/GYN like the plague. Physicians fight hard for their patients every day. For what- to be accused of rape? If you feel that strongly, take your chances and pop that child out at home. Good luck, lord knows you don’t want some obstetrician and neonatologist using every ounce of their knowledge keeping your child alive. You can always have another.

Sadly, the average patient has no idea what went into their visit. The family of the physician sure as hell knows whats involved.

By: phippsju Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:43:00 +0000 In reply to Lisa.

I’m going to assume that none of yours were performed until you were properly administered medication that numbs sensation. I, on the other hand, was not so lucky. An impatient anesthetist and/or obstetrician made for an experience I will remember until the day I die. Thank god they had the where-with-all to have the equipment necessary to sedate me completely nearby, because I felt every few inches of cutting before my lights went out.

By: Rachel Self Thu, 22 Jan 2015 05:18:00 +0000 In reply to Kelly Voros.

Seriously? It”s not her doctor’s decision, OR YOURS, how many children she should have.

Why is it that “my body, my choice” never seems to apply to anything but preventing or ending pregnancy these days???

By: Caroline Wed, 21 Jan 2015 16:14:00 +0000 In reply to Carmel O’Dwyer.

You have clearly never been raped. You also lack a sense of humour, but that’s by the by. Since the beginning of humanity women have died in droves, indeed, in some parts of the world they routinely do, either during or shortly after birth. They would give anything to have the obstetric rapists you mention to help them through. The solution to your own concerns around birth is quite simple; go somewhere like… say… Monrovia and give birth there. It will absolutely be natural, no interventions at all.

By: Caroline Wed, 21 Jan 2015 16:09:00 +0000 In reply to Carmel O’Dwyer.

I think the OB’s and midwives etcetera are more concerned with medical necessities and not hugely interested in how special a snowflake each of us is. Of course, unnecessary interventions are a reality, but surely years of objective experience trump ”trusting my body”, because if it all goes horribly and tragically wrong, guess who gets sued?

By: amyj156 Sun, 05 Oct 2014 11:56:00 +0000 I tried to have a sense of humor about this realizing it was satire, however the title alone made me feel punched in the gut. It’s offensive and incredibly disrespectful of women who attempt to educate themselves about childbirth so they can work WITH the process for a healthier outcome. I’m so sorry it’s such a pain for some drs / nurses to have patients who are proactive about their health. No one wants to be told how to do their jobs, but if women are making requests that are educated, reasonable, non-intrusive, and healthful for both them and baby, why is it so hard to be respectful of that? Fortunately, I had an incredible team of nurse midwives who took one look at my plan and said “this is no problem – it’s pretty typical for us!” I’m not saying everyone in obs shares the condescending tone of this post, and maybe it’s just not an issue for some until they have had an experience in childbirth in which they were disrespected and / or injured.I can’t help but wonder how many women would have better outcomes if they took the time to educate and prepare themselves (mentally, physically, emotionally) on one of the most significant physical undertakings they’ll experience in their lives.

By: Lisa Sun, 10 Aug 2014 12:14:00 +0000 In reply to Kelly Voros.

I’m sure my last 2 beautiful children would disagree! I trust in God….I don’t think He read the “research” either.

By: Kelly Voros Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:02:00 +0000 In reply to Lisa.

Wow….5 caesareans! That is extremely risky. Your doctor should have told you to stop having children after 3. It is not safe, and the medical literature shows a substantial increased risk to mother and child with each subsequent surgical delivery. I am sorry you were so ill informed regarding your own body. Shame you didn’t bother to do the research yourself….

By: redthistle Mon, 28 Jul 2014 03:53:00 +0000 In reply to Lisa.

What is OK and works for you may not work for everyone. Pretty rude to tell people to shut up.
