Comments on: Local Hospital Has New Policy: Ask for Dilaudid, Get Dilaudid, No Questions Asked Earth's Finest Medical News Site for Healthcare Professionals Wed, 08 May 2019 13:00:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Brown Tue, 27 Jan 2015 08:13:00 +0000 About time, this is a win when it comes to the ever futile war on drugs. ::●)

By: Suzi Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:20:00 +0000 In reply to Guest.

You have given the best, wisest response so far. Thank you.

By: Suzi Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:13:00 +0000 In reply to Paulie Juan Pablo Escobark.

You, sir, are wrong. Extreme pain is an emergency to the one suffering it. Maybe if doctors and pm specialists actually tried to help them stay out of pain without demeaning them, they wouldn’t end up in the er trying to get just enough to get through a might. Maybe they had to shovel the driveway today, vacuum the house, carry around a sick baby who couldn’t be consoled by anyone else, fix the car because you can’t afford a mechanic, drive alone to visit an injured or dying loved one, even though you can’t drive over 20 miles without being in pain for hours after. This is real life for us. Maybe we couldn’t get to the doctor before we ran out of meds. I am a child of the sixties, yet I have never tried as much as one drag of pot. You are far too judgmental, sir.

By: katrina13806 Thu, 22 Jan 2015 21:27:00 +0000 In reply to Wildman 74.

Love the compassion, wilddick74…you picked the right field

By: katrina13806 Thu, 22 Jan 2015 21:24:00 +0000 In reply to Anonymoose.

No Kidding! I desperately want the back surgery but every time I go for clearance something else pops up. I am having my THIRD surgery (on stuff that never hurt or bothered me) just to have a disc shaved. I get dirty looks from these self righteous jag offs while you are thinking…where’s the nearest bridge?

By: Josie Wiklund Tue, 13 Jan 2015 16:32:00 +0000 1st let me say I am a RN and yes I have chronic pain, years ago had a resident decide my head was his own personal punching bag. This gave me nerve damage on right side of my head. I get migrains constantly. I cant take codiene, dilaudid morphine, or any of the so called “good meds”. When do need a shot (which havent had for 2yrs thank God) then all I can get is Nubain which any medical professional should know does NOT give you any type of high. Yet I have had fellow medical personnel give me that “drug seeker” look even though I look like a racoon, red around eyes) side of my head just above my right ear is so swollen that it looks like someone implanted a golf ball under my skin and my bp is high as hell to point the slap a 12 lead on me. Even with all that had a dr refuse and called me a drug seeker to my face. But thankfully my dr is and has been my emergency contact and when the nurse called her she gave the order. I will ssay that dr never returned to that er again. And yes I have a migraine 24/7 but to me its what I would call 3 on pain scale. But as I have been told my 3 would be a 10 to others.But when I get a bad one iit hits suddenly and isnt a gradual build up. Knock on wood and thank God havent had ta instantaneous one in a few yrs so no er visits for now. Also I have to say am appalled and saddened by some of the comments from healthcare professionals. If you are that jaded and that disrespectful towards others even on here and even if the person is a “drug seeker” then perhaps its time to get a different job or even go into another proffession. Yes I understand the frustration but we should never speak like that to others . And as healthcare professionals you should know a drug seeker is an addict and that addiction is a disease they dont need your condemnation they need your help.

By: Anonymoose Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:04:00 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

Amen sister, I wrote a post about being in pain too, and there are two trolls on here that are wannabe healthcare professionals, I’m betting they’re secretaries for a Doc or something, but their responses are basically what I have had to deal with for over a year now. Apparently there is no such thing as chronic pain in their eyes and they want to just talk shit about everyone, the cynical attitude of “healthcare” professionals, Docs and Pharmacists alike, is probably one of the main reasons heroin is such an epidemic…

By: Chrisitna Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:33:00 +0000 In reply to Paulie Juan Pablo Escobark.

I have adhesion’s from an appendectomy that nearly killed me and they had to remove part of my small bowel. About once or twice a year, I end up in the ER with a small bowel obstruction. My surgeon doesn’t want to operate out of fear of causing more adhesions. When this happens I am automatically NPO so I can’t take pain killers at home ( not without throwing them up ten seconds after I take them). I am very lucky my local ER knows me by name. I am always terrified of being on vacation and ended up in an ER with cynical doctors/nurses like you. Because yes, you can get my medical info sent to over to you, and I could wait until you receive it to get my meds, but, until you have had to deal with the kind of pain I am in, it’s hard to imagine that every second I wait feels like hours, and it is so intense I sweat and vomit to the point of passing out. My best friend is an ER doctor, so I understand it is frustrating to deal with soo many drug seekers, but please don’t let them make you jaded against people who really need the “D” drug, and at very first may present as unexplained abdominal pain.

By: sj64 Sat, 20 Dec 2014 04:31:00 +0000 In reply to Guest.

Thank you for such a well thought out and spoken reply. I too worked for many years at a substance abuse hospital and also with many people that had uncontrolled severe pain. When you lose the ability to be objective and have empathy it’s time to consider a desk job where you don’t have to deal with real people in real pain.

By: Michelle Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:14:00 +0000 Wow. I have RA, I’m 39 years old and are prescribed 60 Lortab a month. Does that make me an addict? I do my 2 Enbrel injections every week, but the pain still comes. A couple of weeks ago, I had a really bad flare, and was in so much pain with my shoulder I didn’t sleep a wink. I cried and begged my husband to take me to the ER, but he said “What are they gonna do for you there?” And, he was right. So, I took my medicine I had at home, threw up because it makes me sick, and suffered through it. I know how I would’ve been looked at in the ER, and it really is a shame. I don’t run around with my blood work results in my purse, it wouldn’t matter anyway.
