ATLANTA, GA – All the metal rings in Room 482A’s paper chart are in a particularly bad mood today and don’t plan to stay aligned today and probably into the unforeseeable future. “It’s a combination of things: this chart holding more paper than it should, and doctors and nurses just shoving ECGs and consents in here without having the decency to hole-punch them,” Ring Number 3 told Gomerblog on behalf of the other broken rings. “But we own some of the responsibility too. We can’t describe it. Ever just feel meh? We just don’t feel up for it today, you know?” Ring Number 1 warned health care professionals that any attempt to “bend us back into shape” will be met with resistance, failure, and injured palms. “Maybe we’ll change our minds in future and snap back into perfect alignment. But then again, maybe not.” In related news, the paper chart in the cubby next to 482A is thinking about “ending it all” and spilling all of its contents onto the floor.