Dr. Dufunk, while watching Dancing with the Stars with his wife, noticed during a commercial that putting Tostitos Restaurant Style Chips out in your house will bring in swarms of people. “I was thinking if I could apply this to my practice maybe business would boom.” Correct. The market for non-Restaurant Style Chips is saturated and the public is tired of it. This natural vacuum causes a “chip craze” whenever a bag of Tostitos Restaurant Style Chips are opened. The waiting room was packed and the 30-minute wait time created a line going outside and around the building. “I saw a line and decided to see what the hype was about, I had no idea restaurant style chips would be here!” a current patient told reporters. “I just thought this was a restaurant. Turns out it was a doctor’s office, might as well get my prostate checked since I’m here.” To have food in the waiting room is genius, this doctor – which locally has been nicknamed Doctor Chips – is definitely on to something.