Urology & Pediatric Departments Gearing Up for Annual ‘Circ du Soleil’

Vegas Urology Show

LAS VEGAS, NV – The Urology and Pediatric Departments at Las Vegas Regional are diligently preparing to host the 6th Annual “Circ du Soleil” extravaganza next week.  The highly-anticipated event will draw hundreds of excited hospital staff spectators, nervous parents, and screaming newborn male infants.

Last year’s event will be difficult to top, as the performance of Dr. Hugh Johson nearly brought the house down.  He flew into the nursery procedure room upside down on a trapeze wearing only tights, makeup, and an elaborate headdress.  He was able to wield his scalpel with incredible precision while executing numerous release maneuvers from the trapeze bar and expertly carving away the foreskins of 7 different infants.  His hemorrhage control was also impeccable.  Parents and hospital staff “ooohed and aaahed” with delight.

Dr. Howard Ismawang was available for interview.  “This is such an exciting week for our departments.  We get to demonstrate our skills, delight a crowd, and give parents the chance to take a video that their child will treasure forever.”  When pressed for details about plans for this year’s show, Ismawang wouldn’t divulge much.  “Let’s just say that the audience and newborns will see rings of fire and at least one live tiger.”

When asked if the families are charged extra to have their infants’ procedure performed in such a festive, carnival-like atmosphere, Ismawang replied, “No.  It doesn’t cost any more – just a tip.  Ba-dum-bump.”

After 10 years spent fighting the unwinnable war that is Emergency Medicine in America, an "ER doctor" left medicine altogether and joined a Buddhist temple in Tibet, changing his name to "Jake Ho." He found the peaceful solitude he achieved to be the antithesis of years spent dealing with unreasonable requests and reprimands from patients, families, hospital administrators, and consultants. The vows of celibacy and silence he took are largely mitigated by the blogging and internet porn made possible thanks to the temple's excellent Wi-Fi connection.
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