The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword, But This Ativan Tho

"Wouldn't this place be so much better if everybody had Ativaaaaaannn..."

This Charlie Hebdo incident is horrendous.  Free speech is a vital right, but I know something else even more vital to ensure world peace.  It’s called Ativan.

“Wouldn’t this place be so much better if everybody had Ativaaaaaannn…”

We’re not asking the right questions about free speech.  We need to stop asking questions altogether, because the answer is obvious and we don’t need that much speech.  Honestly, why talk at all when there’s so much Ativan in the world?  Freedom of the press needs more Ativan.  Words hurt people.  I thought we needed words, too.  Then Ativan happened and I realized how to solve this whole problem of words.  When’s the last time Ativan hurt anyone?? don’t answer that`..

If we’d just been focussssing on ;distributing more Ativan in the frst place, we’d neer be where we are now.  This is a horibl situation, but you know what’s worse?  NO Ativan.  Words hav a lot of power, but then theres Ativan.  Let’s all just hold hands and Ativan togethr.. if we all Ativaned as a people, religion and beliefs and everythig would bcome 1 finallly.  No one would offend anyone else, noone would want to hurt any’’one else,, n wee could all jst chill the uck out.  Ami tire?  If you have a btter solution to solving the hurt of the world, I’m all ears, but I probably won’t remember ur idea so here have some Ativan bc Ativan.

I thin Depeche Mode`~ had a song about this… I don’t remember what the words are but I think… omg is tht DIlaudid?! Ok, so two ways to solve this word problem I guess.  Maybe they’ll publish this, maybe theyyy wont,, but it doesn’t mater becaue I’m chillln.  Lorazapeaceee!!!!!

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