Home Emergency Medicine High Patient Satisfaction Scores, Key Elements for Success

High Patient Satisfaction Scores, Key Elements for Success


Over 23,000 hospital patients were polled to help determine what factors are considered important for patients when it comes to their satisfaction at hospitals.  Knowing what patients want is important, but even more so these days as hospital reimbursement for services are linked to higher scores.  Hospitals are urged to take immediate actions based on these results in order to maximize their scores.factors-for-high-press-ganey-scores


  1. Better be careful what you ask for! My Dad had a knee replacement surgery and was overdosed on dilaudid. They called a code blue and administered naloxone. It was a horrible experience!!

  2. Better be careful what you ask for! My Dad had a knee replacement surgery and was overdosed on dilaudid. They called a code blue and administered naloxone. It was a horrible experience!!

  3. Better be careful what you ask for! My Dad had a knee replacement surgery and was overdosed on dilaudid. They called a code blue and administered naloxone. It was a horrible experience!!

  4. Chest compressions on a coke head while placing a cardiac stent. When the guy wakes up the next day…says he’s not happy with the care he’s received.

  5. One time this lady came running in and refused to take a ticket or wait to be registered. She was an add-on exam. We all had patients in our bays and she’s in the lobby yelling:”They are holding a scanner for me! I have a stat exam! You work in the hospital, don’t you know what STAT means!?” You can’t make this shit up. I wish corporate would take my suggestion and build a bar in Radiology.

  6. We all know that health care can’t be surveyed in the same way as McDonald’s,yet,we all seem powerless to change these totally irrelevant surveys !!!! Somedays you just gotta wonder ???

  7. Love those 7 day excuses too. A coworker had “the same thing I had” and got a note on Thursday after being out 2 days to be off until Tuesday. I had a 24 hour bug. She has someone that will write this crap for her.

  8. The downfall of American health care has been the PG surveys and others like it. It has NO bearing on the type of care one receives. Sorry—-I meant to laugh but this is soooo true!!

  9. That tv score is a little underrated. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve got my butt chewed off because there is no remote in the ED lobby (we had to remove it because people kept stealing it) or because there is no paper tv guide. Don’t fk with peoples tv viewing. That will plummet your scores!

  10. This is absolutely true. We have the dreaded PG survey. Can I just tell you how many times a week a crusty old bag shows up 2 hrs early for an exam (thinking that her royal highness is the only patient we have) and then goes apeshit when she has to wait for her actual appointment time? Happened just last night in fact, crazy harpy was out there cussing up a storm. Management says:”Did you remind her of her appointment time?” *siiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhh* yes, THAT’S what set her off!


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