Home Editor's Picks Jealous of Nurses Week, Hospital Administrators Plan to Create Administrators Week

Jealous of Nurses Week, Hospital Administrators Plan to Create Administrators Week

"Does anyone even give a crap?"

ATLANTA, GA – Jealous of all the attention registered nurses (RNs) have received during Nurses Week, hospital administrators nationwide are hoping to create an Administrators Week to celebrate their contributions to healthcare.  Though hospital administrators are excited, it’s too bad that absolutely no one else in medicine gives a crap.

hospital administrators
“Does anyone even give a crap?”

“Wow, Administrators Week, who gives a flying f**k?” moaned nurse Clara Barton, who was rewarded for her decades of service in nursing with a pay cut by administration.  “I bet it takes place during peak season for golf.”

Every year, Nurses Week takes place between May 6 (National Nurses Day) and May 12 (the birthday of Florence Nightingale).  It is a celebration of nurses, nursing, their contributions in history, and their central role in modern medicine.  It also acknowledges their continuing dedication to their profession and their patients.

“Is Administrators Week supposed to celebrate billing or something?” asked nurse Dorothea Dix, as she juggled seven complicated patients and still managed a smile.  “Or maybe it’s to celebrate crunching the numbers, black suits, and empty promises?”

Tens of thousands of health care practitioners across the country, including nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and physicians, were polled regarding what they thought Administrators Week would celebrate.  Zero of them answered because (1) they didn’t care, (2) administrators suck, and (3) the poll reminded them too much of patient satisfaction surveys.

When is Administrators Week?  Who cares.

“Here’s what I wish would happen during Administrators Week,” nurse Margaret Sanger told GomerBlog.  “I think all administrators should all be fired and all the money wasted on their salaries be put to better use.  Here’s an innovative idea: how about hiring more health care practitioners to help with the understaffing and burnout?  And yes, that includes hiring nurses too!”

Hospital administrators were not available for comment as they were too busy planning innovative ways to break their nurses’ morale.  They were also trying to find brand new ways of not saying to our nurses “Thank you for all that you do.”


  1. Gee, I hope they get a bowl of ice cream….& then not get to eat it, because there’s no “extra” administrators to relieve them. Oh wait….that would never happen!

  2. Who are these people again?? Oh, yeah! The ones who make our lives miserable!! Let me jump right on that “appreciation” train… Hold your breath and I’ll be there in a few…

  3. My old hospital wouldn’t recognize nurses week. Instead they turned it into Hospital Week so they didn’t have to celebrate a second time in the year. Insulting.

  4. I think you and I work at the same place, Brian. The one for our unit just sat in a chair all day in the break room. Which meant one fewer spot for nurses on break to sit down…

  5. Wow. We got a free soda fountain drink. I hope they get the same! Every hard worker is entitled to something that shows their employers thankfulness! I for one was too short staffed to actually got get said fountain drink. Can they emulate that as well?

  6. A surgeon I worked with asked about nurse’s week. We has quite a lineup. We were to volunteer at a food kitchen, work at a community event and then give blood. He was so horrified he left and brought back chocolate.

  7. We got a garbage bag filled with popcorn for nurses week. I can think of a few things to fill a garbage bag with to thank our administrators…

  8. Yep, same here…although we did get a voucher for a “free redbox rental to enjoy on us” mailed to us this year. I didn’t know whether to feel grateful or insulted. I went with my first reaction, which was insulted.


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