Hospitalist Breaks His Own Record by Seeing 100 Patients in a Day

health care

Dr. Speedy Gonzalez didn’t realize untill he counted the number of patients at the end of a busy Saturday evening that he had broken his own previous record by seeing patients in triple digits at Lord Have Mercy Hospital.  During an interview conducted by a representative of Guinness World Book of Hospitalist records, he proudly confirmed his achievements by providing the ICD-911 billing sheet.

“I wasn’t looking to break any records that evening when I started my work,” Dr. Gonzalez replied humbly.  “I just wanted to finish my list so I could watch a football game later that evening,” he added.  Dr. Gonzalez who is a huge fan of football and chronic traumatic encephalopathy was able to make it to his home before kickoff after seeing a hundred patients in a day.

In response to the question of how was he able to achieve it, he stated, “My strategy was quite straightforward.  Every encounter constituted a quick ‘Hi,’ introducing myself, assurance and reassurance that all the concerns will be addressed the following day, followed by a quick run to next patient’s room.”

Mr. Cheapest Executive Officer, CEO of Lord Have Mercy Hospital’s remarks reflected the same pride.  “As long as everything is documented in the Electronic Hell Record, Press Ganey Scores stay high, and we get reimbursed for what we bill for, I have no problem with what Dr. Gonzalez does with his patients.  He’s a one-man team and I’m so happy to see that we don’t have to hire extra useless hospitalists to see the same number of patients.”

As his future goals, Dr. Gonzalez wishes to break his record one more time even with a greater margin so no other hospitalist can ever dare to claim it.

Be sure to check out Healthcare Not Fair, the author’s website HERE and their YouTube Channel HERE for some hilarious short videos depicting the current state of our Healthcare system.

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