BOSTON, MA – Dr. Anna Yongap opened a new era in graduate medical education when she listed all 13 of her published GomerBlog articles under the “Publications” section of her fellowship application. The application quickly made its way to the top of the pile at Harvard.

The brazen doctor reported to GomerBlog: “I didn’t do much research in residency. I mean, I really did not feel like coming in on weekends just to appear as the 8th author in some Ukrainian Medical Journal. But there is so much crazy sh*& happening in the hospital, the satire practically writes itself. Plus, I’m the first author on all of those articles in a peer reviewed satire journal! What’s not to like?”
Dr. Hal Dole, Admissions Director at Harvard’s Super-Duper Competitive Fellowship, confessed to GomerBlog: “When I review apps, it’s all the same: second author, matched cohorts, meta-analysis, last authors, clinical trials, whimsical dials, double, triple and quadruple blinds… whatever… seen it all. But none of these brainiacs can shame anesthesia or internal medicine like this girl! I’m so excited to have her here. I really hope she takes a shot at the guy who drives the floor-buffing machine. He always looks like he’s on top the food chain here. Oh, and she’s gotta stick it to the ER people. You can never go too easy on those clowns. I’m just worried Mayo Clinic steals her from us like they did that guy who could juggle.”
Members of the admissions committee shared their directors’ enthusiasm. Many already drafted a wish-list of targets for hot-shot’s forthcoming submissions to the medical satire powerhouse. Dr. Mel A. Nus, assistant program director reported to GomerBlog that he expects Dr. Yongap to score a least 3 articles on Dr. Oz while at training at Harvard. He further promised to diligently support her goal of transforming medical satire into a distinct and accredited medical specialty, as described in Dr. Yongaps’ personal statement.