MIAMI, FL – More troubling news is surfacing from the Miami neurology program that is still reeling from the now infamous video of one of their resident’s drunken altercation with an Ubër driver last week. The neurology residency program director (PD) from the same program in Miami, Florida has reportedly mass messaged dozens of fourth year medical students who applied for neurology residency positions and were still on the interview wait list. However, these messages were quite different from ones that had been sent throughout the interview process.
It all started late Friday night when the PD took out a few of the residents for dinner and drinks. According to the staff at the restaurant, the PD was becoming loud, boisterous, and was asked to keep it down. At that point the PD began throwing the wait staff’s papers, cutlery, and food everywhere while verbally abusing them. The restaurant isn’t pressing charges but apparently the verbal abuse didn’t end there.
We spoke with a fourth year medical student who applied for residency in neurology. She showed us an e-mail that she received at 11:23pm Friday night from the program director in question . “I was out with friends and got an e-mail from the Miami program. I was thrilled! Especially because the subject of the e-mail read “Congrats! Last minute interview invitation”. However, this applicant’s mood did a complete 180 after she read the e-mail message that simply stated, “LOL JK”.
“I couldn’t believe it”, she said, “I thought it was a bad joke or maybe they got hacked”. She thought nothing of it until she heard a similarly troubling story from her classmate. Her classmate said this: “I knew the program was a reach when I applied so I wasn’t shocked when I didn’t hear from them. Tons of programs just don’t respond. But this was just mean”. He showed us the e-mail he received at 11:24pm that same evening with the same subject, “Congrats! Last minute interview invitation”. This time the e-mail simply read, “JK!! Haha Srsly?! With those scores?? Lolol =P”.
Dozens of students are speaking out about the e-mails they received with messages like “Did you even go to med school?”
The most common e-mail he sent out had the simple message “Jk. Lol. Naaaaah.”. One student received the message “JK Lmao“ followed by several emojis of a laughing face and then several emojis of smiling feces.
Even worse, one student was told by e-mail, “Did you just give me tropicamide? Because it hurts to look at your application”.
Colleagues of the program director that are close to him report that he left dinner that night inebriated and argumentative. “He was having a bad week”, a colleague stated, “His girlfriend broke up with him a week ago and his mother was just admitted to the hospital the day earlier”.
The PD has been placed on administrative leave and has been removed from all clinical duties. He is slated to appear on Good Morning America on Thursday to attempt to explain and apologize for his actions.