Rampant Burnout Among Stock Photo Models Who Pose As Burned-Out Doctors

"I am getting so burned out portraying these burned out doctors"

BOCA RATON, FL – The CDC has just released an unsettling report suggesting that stock photo models who pose as burned-out doctors are themselves burning out in record numbers.

burned out physician
“I am getting so burned out portraying these burned out doctors”

Sri-Sheshadariprativadibayankaram, the world’s most renowned stock photo model, said “At first, we used to get hired to pose as burned out doctors maybe like once a month. But now, we’re being asked to pose at least twice a day because outlets like KevinMD keep churning out reports about how doctors are burning out.”

CDC head honcho Tom Frieden called the report “troubling” and calls for a restriction of stock photo model work hours. “These photo models are burning out at the same rate as real doctors, and it’s a crying shame. The photos of melancholy healthcare workers really ram home the message in those sad articles. Without the photo models….I just shudder at the thought.”

Sri-Sheshadariprativadibayankaram, visibly fatigued, offered his own horror story: “I’m being asked to put on a white coat and hunch over with my fake stethoscope around my neck so often that I suffer from back stiffness. And I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve had to dig deep to summon the sorrow & regret of a physician for a photo shoot. It takes a toll, you know?”

CDC’s Tom Frieden suggested that medical stock photo models form an advocacy group which focuses on photo model wellness “before it’s too late and there’s nobody left willing to pose as a burned out physician.”

Dr Pablo Pistola had become increasingly dissatisfied with satisfaction-based forces in medicine. He felt like a doctor without a purpose. He subsequently embarked on a 7 year twerking quest in the Himalayan foothills to find his true calling. During this journey, he realized that he has a secret talent: his immense knowledge about women. He understands them. Legend has it that he can size up a woman’s soul in a mere instant. He didn’t ask for these powers. But with great powers come great responsibilities. So Dr Pablo Pistola (double-board certified in Love Medicine & Romance Medicine, with fellowship training in Seduction Medicine) has been dabbling in satirical erotic writing. And if satirical erotic writing can offer a viable exit strategy from medicine, then the world will be a better place. His responsibility is to bring the stories of lust to you. He also is an avid life-long Miami Heat fan. Follow him on twitter at @drpablopistola
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