Home Full Articles Online Doctorate of Nursing University Under Review as a Possible Scam

Online Doctorate of Nursing University Under Review as a Possible Scam


WASHINGTON, DC – The University of Online Degrees (UOD) is under investigation by the FBI regarding their online Doctorate of Nursing program for being a potential scam.  In the last decade the number of online doctorate of nursing programs has exploded, but UOD has been responsible for over 60% of the degrees earned.  Is it just a big money making scam for the University?  The FBI and numerous medical organizations think so.

online doctorate program“UOD charges $35,000 a year for a 3-year program online,” stated lead investigator Amanda Peters.  “Besides a few more letters behind a graduate’s name, we weren’t entirely sure what graduates learned. Some were able to describe the history of vital sign taking or what Flo’s favorite color was, but substantial material seemed to be lacking.”

This lack of increased knowledge and practical education led to a closer look at the curriculum.  Peters goes on to describe the curriculum: “The online program had students Skype once a week for one hour.  After the Skype session a quiz was provided, but students were doing it from home.  Do you think they didn’t just Google any questions that they didn’t know?”

“Every 6 months each student was expected to provide book reviews of famous nursing books and post those reviews on Amazon and Allnurses.com.  At the end of the 3-year program and $105,000 later, students had to defend their dissertation on a Facebook post.  They posted their study material as a single post and had to defend their post in front of family and friends. Occasionally a lone wolf troll would appear and spice things up a bit.”

Some examples of the Facebook dissertation posts were, “Heavier patients require more nurses for lifting”, or “Other places a foley catheter can go besides the urethra”, and our favorite was “Nasal cannulas work poorly when not in the patient’s nares”.

The investigation is sure to bring up other important questions and concerns from the public.  Many patients are already getting confused when Nurses introduce themselves as Doctors.  A recent patient, Tom Bennett asked, “Why require advanced level nurses to become doctors?  Shouldn’t they just go to medical school if they want that or go after a Phd in research?”

Another patient, Betty Willard asked, “If we are going to have people who are trained differently treating us, why don’t we have them all take a universal board exam?  I mean why not have the nurses with doctorates take the Internal Medicine Board and pass it if we are going to call them ‘doctor’.”

Similar to Trump University, GomerBlog will keep you up-to-date on the FBI investigation as it progresses and if the graduates with lots of letters behind their names will be getting any refunds from UOD.


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