Breaking: Martin Shkreli & Heather Bresch Are A**holes

Shkreli & BreschNEW YORK, NY – In a candid interview on CBS News yesterday, Martin Shkreli admitted that “Yes, Heather Bresch and I are a**holes.”  Mylan CEO Heather Bresch has been on the hot seat recently for her 400% price hike of EpiPens, while former Turing CEO Martin Shkreli made news last year for his 5000% price hike for Daraprim, an antiparasitic agent used in the treatment of toxoplasmosis.  Shkreli is currently being indicted for securities fraud.  In sum: a**holes.

On a serious and non-satirical note, if you think there should be an investigation into Bresch’s EpiPen price hike, consider signing this Stop the Epipen Price Gouge petition, which is gaining momentum at 100,000+ letters.  Thank you!

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