Small-Armed Orthopaedic Surgeon Assigned to Pediatric Fellowship

tiny arm ortho

DETROIT, MI – Dr. Timothy Billroy was assigned to a pediatric fellowship due to what his program director stated: small arms.  “I mean the dude clearly doesn’t work out.  If you want to hang with the total joint boys you gotta put in the reps.  You just don’t skip leg day, but you DEFINITELY don’t skip arm day brah.”  He also attacked his protein supplementation regimen.  “I keep sending him emails about almond butter extract, I wonder if he even cares.  This isn’t amateur hour, this Orthopaedics baby.”

“We were all confused when he showed up on day 1, we thought for sure he was looking for pathology,” chief resident Carl Cooper said.  “Tiny Arms Tim we called him.  Turns out he was an excellent clinician, and made us all look bigger in the OR, and group photos, so we kept him around.  He’ll do better in pediatrics.  They are just little adults anyway.”

“I guess I like kids,” Tiny Arms Tim told reporters.  “I really wish I hadn’t slacked off so much during Chest and Arms rotation.  I went to the library to study instead of the Gym.  I was hoping for a total joint fellowship or even sports [fellowship].”

Dr. Tim’s future pediatric orthopedic fellowship director already put him on probation before he even arrived.  “If he doesn’t start hitting the gym hard he’ll end up being an Ornithologist Orthopedic Surgeon.”

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