TWITTERVERSE – A colorectal surgeon posted a rant about the care he received in an odd location “Psychology Today.” The rant, which since has been taken down, ripped on everyone he came in contact with and a few below the belts shots. Luckily the internet provided balance to this behavior particular from his peers. His rebuttal to the ‘backlash’ was posted (link below). Don’t worry he didn’t apologize for his words and actions, but did apologize for everyone misunderstanding him.
If you would like to read the original article, the internet is forever and can be read HERE.
When the Charge Nurse answered pleasantly, I didn’t speak. I yelled. Some fragments of that yelling monologue:
“My mother had a TIA more than 24 hours ago, and you still haven’t looked at her carotid arteries! She’d be safer in a grocery store!”
“Even first year medical students knows that my mother needed a carotid artery ultrasound hours ago!”
“Would you allow YOUR mother to be treated, or I should say, NOT TREATED this way?!”
“If your damn doctor doesn’t call me from the damn radiology suite with the results of a damn ultrasound of my mother’s damn carotid ultrasound within the next 15 minutes, I will transfer her to a REAL hospital, after which I will come down there with my damn lawyer and make all of your lives a living hell!”
The Charge Nurse said not a word throughout this tirade. When I was done, she softly and sadly spoke.
The original tweet:
.@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth I spent last weekend in the Emergency Room…yelling! https://t.co/bbCA5RRRRN
— Dr. Peter Edelstein (@OwnYourCancer) February 27, 2017
Then of course we chimed in:
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth Hey Dr. Edelstein, just read your piece. I just have a few notes for you if you don’t mind…
— GomerBlog (@GomerBlog) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth We aren’t the NYT or Huffpo, but you might find these edits useful. pic.twitter.com/5nbeLKUE8v
— GomerBlog (@GomerBlog) March 3, 2017
— GomerBlog (@GomerBlog) March 3, 2017
— GomerBlog (@GomerBlog) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth That’s enough for now. Why don’t you work on this and send it back at your convenience. pic.twitter.com/ChzmDFPXoM
— GomerBlog (@GomerBlog) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer Your treatment and belittlement of nurses is appalling. Your lack of understanding of the process leads you do say
— ER Gypsy Nurse (@ERgypsynurse) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer In most stroke centers, CT is done prior to a full assessment because time is such an issue. Had the results of the CT
— ER Gypsy Nurse (@ERgypsynurse) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer been alarming, the radiologist would have called the ER doctor directly.
— ER Gypsy Nurse (@ERgypsynurse) March 3, 2017
After he is finally convinced a CT should occur before a physician will see the patient…@ERgypsynurse@Sassy_Nursey True…her 1st physician exam was more than 2 hours post CT…frustrating and dangerous.
— Dr. Peter Edelstein (@OwnYourCancer) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@ERgypsynurse agreed but why are you yelling at nursing staff? If it’s an MD eval you need you should be yelling at the MDs
— Ѕassy ℕursey (@Sassy_Nursey) March 3, 2017
@Sassy_Nursey@OwnYourCancer@ERgypsynurse I don’t think anybody should be yelling at anybody.
— Sarah (@perkleberry) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@LudicrousRN@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth@PsychToday please publish retraction: publically appologize for yelling, swearing
— Northern Nurse (@NorthernMurse) March 3, 2017
.@OwnYourCancer@NorthernMurse@sevlovesmia@LudicrousRN@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth@PsychToday And U/S are not done stat in TIAs.
— Dr. Howie Mell (@DrHowieMell) March 4, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@DrHowieMell can you post link to guideline that says US has to be done within 4 hours? I can’t find one
— Steve Carroll DO MEd (@embasic) March 4, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@DrHowieMell also a shame that @PsychToday took down your article- if you continue to argue your side you should own this
— Steve Carroll DO MEd (@embasic) March 4, 2017
@OwnYourCancer US is often delayed and not done as immediately as you make it sound. Educate yourself and learn to respect nurses.
— ER Gypsy Nurse (@ERgypsynurse) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth@PsychToday instead of calling 911 like most nursing 101 students would know to do.
— Good opinion haver (@UnmaskedGremlin) March 3, 2017
@UnmaskedGremlin@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth@PsychToday Mom lives 7 mins from ER. TIA care is unrelated to ambulance vs car
— Dr. Peter Edelstein (@OwnYourCancer) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@UnmaskedGremlin false, EMS performs assessment, starts IV, draw labs, calls alert to hospital, can roll right to CT #educate
— GiF ifer (@Vampy_RN) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@morgan6060987 sorry but I disagree. EMS can call in stroke alert from field and clear a CT room for immediate scan and PE.
— Zach (@ZachRNBSN) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@UnmaskedGremlin but isn’t the crux of your argument ‘time is brain?’ Who should yell at you for your delaying care, doctor?
— GiF ifer (@Vampy_RN) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth so you are advocating everybody start yelling in the ED? That will solve the chaos.
— Reckless Gardener® (@iGaia) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth in my experience, yelling is a great way to keep physicians and nurses away from your mom.
— Reckless Gardener® (@iGaia) March 3, 2017
He said the Nurses and Physician apologized to him..@OwnYourCancer@iGaia@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth Because they were providing “customer service.” Telling you you’re a jerk gets them fired 🙄
— Death By Call Light (@run4pancakes) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth I cannot believe what I’ve just read. Completely unprofessional. I feel sorry for your colleagues.
— Dr Sammy (@sbattrawden) March 4, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth By the way doctor, rudeness from relatives has been shown to worsen care https://t.co/I9rJtO0V7V
— Dr Sammy (@sbattrawden) March 4, 2017
@sbattrawden@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth As has delayed care…
— Dr. Peter Edelstein (@OwnYourCancer) March 4, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@sbattrawden@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth there was no delayed care. She got what everyone gets and within the guidelines dude
— Jeffrey Knisley (@j_knisley) March 4, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth@PsychToday what a horrid article – because “yelling” is something to be proud of 😵
— Colin (@FinalCoyote) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@morgan6060987 sorry but I disagree. EMS can call in stroke alert from field and clear a CT room for immediate scan and PE.
— Zach (@ZachRNBSN) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth@PsychToday – Your actions were unprofessional as a provider & recommending them is dangerous.
— Nurse Nacole (@CoronaryKid) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer and I’m guessing when everything was negative you felt that you had to write something to defend your awful behavior.
— ERNursingNugent, RN (@nursingnugent) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth@PsychToday If you ever yelled at me like that you would be the one needing a hospital bed.
— Stephen Paul (@StevoPaul09) March 3, 2017
@OwnYourCancer@HuffingtonPost@NYTHealth This is just completely wrong. Stat carotid endarterectomy for TIA…you’re embarrassing yourself. pic.twitter.com/I4ywRjSuqW
— (((TheTracker))) (@IdiotTracker) March 3, 2017
You gotta hand it to Dr. Peter Edelstein for defending not only his disagreements with standard of care (which his mother received), but he did not step down from his “yelling” at nurses. Learn more about him HERE. And the epic mic drop known as Pure Gold.
If you made it this far you don’t have much to do today. You can read his “apology.” He apologized to all of us who understood his yelling that marginalized his colleagues, to a general yelling at the system, that in the end treated his mother within the standard of care. #sorrynotsorry