Book Review: Chicken Soup For the Bitter Angry Nurse’s Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul has released a new book catering solely to the bitter, angry nurse. The franchise’s latest installment focuses on personal stories of burnout and complete disgust for the noble nursing profession. It is expected to be an instant best seller due to the prevalence of sheer hostility among nurses, and nurses’ love for commiseration.

angry nurseOne particularly inspiring story entails a nurse keeping a dead patient in their bed for hours in order to prevent another admission. Another motivational story details a nurse and a resident having a bar brawl. And in yet another, a nurse loses her cool and tells the resident why he’ll never get laid.

The book is educational, discussing the personal accounts of burnt-out nurses who can no longer handle basic demands of the day, from changing bed sheets to giving enemas. There is not a facet of nursing care that doesn’t bother the bitter nurse late in her career. (“Late” refers to a nurse with more than 2 years of floor experience.)

The book also details demanding and unappreciative patients. One patient in particular tells the nurse he’ll kill her if she provokes him with even one more blood draw. Divorce rates are high among nurses for very good reason given the amount of stress these nurses endure daily.

Smug doctors of course play a pivotal role in the majority of stories resulting in burnout. New residents will stop at nothing to make the lives of nurses completely miserable. One such resident nearly kills a patient by ordering 100 times the typical dose of potassium. The bitter nurse catches the mistake and saves the day, only to receive no credit whatsoever and be instantly thrown under the bus by the very same resident.

The book is certain to resonate with many due to its frank and candid style. It may scare new nurses from the profession but it may also save them from the heartache expressed in the pages of this gripping collection.

Chicken Soup for the Anxious, Incompetent, Traumatized, Overworked, Underpaid, Berated Resident’s Soul is already set to hit bookshelves this fall.

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