Oh No! The House Just Repealed Obama’s Care, Now Barack Obama Doesn’t Have Health Insurance

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House of Representatives just passed the repeal of Obama’s Care.  Now it is impossible for Barack Obama to have health coverage.  “I don’t understand why they would repeal healthcare for just one person,” Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters.  “At first they talked about repeal of Obamacare but you have to pass to bill to find out what’s in it, and it actually repeals Obama’s Care.”

obamacareThe bill, split down party lines, stated that Barack Obama could not have health insurance.  “You can’t even take care of President Obama even for exchange of a signed copy of Audacity of Hope,” Rep. Carl Welch stated.  “No care is allowed.”

This is a game changer.  If President Obama heads to the emergency room he will be turned away.

It is uncertain if his family will be covered.  Initially Obama was the provider of his wife’s and daughter’s insurance.  Since he now lost coverage his family will have to look for insurance unless the legislation meant all Obamas.  “The bill wasn’t clear if this was just for Barack Obama or just anyone named Obama.  What happens if he changes his name?”

At press time Carl Obama’s prescription could not be filled.  We’ll update you on any new developments.

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