Intern Put Into Timeout Cage to Think About What She Did

EL PASO, TX – New medical intern Lilah Pepper was placed into a timeout cage by her team on rounds earlier today as punishment, and sincerely hope once the door is locked shut it gives her ample time to think about she did.

“Sit, intern, sit!” Pepper’s resident ordered.  “Bad intern!  BAD!”

It is unclear what Pepper did to upset her team.  Guesses include being unprepared for attending rounds, making a bad decision regarding a patient’s care, or going to the bathroom in the middle of the hallway instead of going outside like all the other potty-trained interns.

No treat for you!” Pepper’s attending added before closing the cage.

Peppers has been unfazed by this whole process, just smiling and texting on her smartphone.  According to sources close to Peppers, she reportedly texted her classmates saying, “Guys, the timeout cage has clean sheets and a pillow.  Way more comfortable than the call room.”

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