Cardiology: Game of I’s & O’s
Cardiothoracic Surgery: Bypass the Thrones
Colorectal Surgery: Game of Scopes
Dermatology: Punch Biopsy the Thrones
Emergency Medicine: Admit the Thrones
Endocrinology: Game of Hormones
Every Health Care Professional: Game of Loans
Family Medicine: Jack of All Thrones
Gastroenterology: Gall of Stones
Genetics: Game of Clones
Geriatrics: Game of GOMERs
Hematology-Oncology: Game of Sloan-Kettering
Hospital Administrator: Game of Don’ts
Hospital Medicine: Place the Thrones
Immunology: Allergic to Thrones
Infectious Diseases: Game of Foams
Nephrology: Dialyze the Thrones
Neurology: Game of Strokes
Neurosurgery: Back Brace of Thrones
Nutrition: Game of NPOs
OB/GYN: Game of Progesterones
Occupational Therapy: Game of Commodes
Ophthalmology: Game of Cones
Orthopedic Surgery: Game of Bones
Otolaryngology: Game of Throats
Pain Service: Game of Methadones
Palliative Care: Goal of Thrones
Pastoral Care: Book of Thrones
Pediatrics: Game of Milestones
Pharmacy: Game of Doses
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation: Game of Muscle Tones
Physical Therapy: Gait of Thrones
Plastic Surgery: Game of Silicones
Pulmonary & Critical Care: Game of Codes
Psychiatry: Game of Buspirones
Radiology: Scan the Thrones
Rheumatology: Game of Cortisones
Social Services: Game of Forms
Speech Therapy: Gag of Thrones
Trauma: Maim of Thrones
Urology: Game of Stones
Wound Care: Game of Tailbones
Vascular Surgery: Game of Thrombosis