Meteorologists Developing Radars to Detect Black Clouds, White Clouds

ATLANTA, GA – In a new strategic partnership with Emory University, meteorologists at The Weather Channel (TWC) has pledged to push the boundaries of meteorological technology in the hopes of better predicting and detecting back and white clouds.

black cloud white cloud meteorologists

“We were present at last year’s Meteorological Technology World Expo in Amsterdam, and as much incredible progress as there has been in weather-predicting tech, not as much has been invested in radars to detect who’s up for a doozy of an overnight call or who’s going to coast and get 6 hours sleep,” explained TWC meteorologist Abigail Winters.  “Together we pledge to do more research and development in this area.”

As health care professionals know all too well, they tend to develop either into black clouds or white clouds within the first few years of practice.  Once one has developed a cloud type, it is very rare for that health care professional to revert back to normal or another cloud type, owning that cloud type for life.  In other words, once a black cloud always a black cloud.

“It might be helpful for July interns or first-year fellows to know what kind of lifestyle they’re in for,” explained Emory internal medicine chief resident Matt Summers.  “If it were me, if I knew going into residency that I’d be a black cloud at least I could mentally prepare for it, cry about it, as opposed to just getting punched in the mouth with a full-moon night over and over again until I earned the label.” 

The other major benefit of creating cloud-defining technology, said Winters, is that it can help other health care professionals plan accordingly and “steer clear of the storm.” 

“If I knew Bobby Black Cloud was on call tonight, you better believe I’m not working that shift, I’m going to head home and take cover,” explained med/surg nurse Connie Spring.  “But if Wanda White Cloud is taking call tonight, then yeah, sign me up!”

The Emory-TWC initiatives hopes to yield results as early as 2019. 

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