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Child Aspires to Be Burnt-Out Physician When She Grows Up

Child Aspires to Be Burnt-Out Physician When She Grows Up

CHICAGO, IL — Peggy Cheng had just graduated from first grade this summer when she told her parents that when she grows up she would like to spend eighty percent of her day writing medical notes on an antiquated system.

“I can’t wait,” she said, “for the day I get to make the choice between my patients’ welfare or my career’s.”

Peggy says that among her hobbies is telling people how to better their mental or physical health and have them completely ignore her, as well as being told she shouldn’t be a physician by mothers and being told she shouldn’t be a mother by physicians.

“All the years I’ll spend isolating myself from others in order to study,” she elaborated, “should be perfect preparation for a career built on collaboration.”

Above all, however, Peggy says she’s looking forward to upholding the Hippocratic Oath to “do no harm” to insurance companies.


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