Home Dermatology An Examination of the Dermatology Match

An Examination of the Dermatology Match

An Examination of the Dermatology Match

Louisville, KY – During a broad interview yesterday, the University of Kentucky’s Dermatology program director discussed the factors used when considering and ranking medical students applying to their dermatology program.

“It can be tough to rank these outstanding candidates” admitted Dr. Michael Ludwig. “All of them have outstanding step 1 scores, a great body of research and glowing letters of recommendation. To differentiate these candidates we have to dig deep.”

Dr. Ludwig divulged that Dermatology residencies look beyond the usual metrics used by less competitive programs. “We want applicants who have committed themselves to excellence from day 1 of medical school.”

Dr. Ludwig shared with Gomerblog his committee’s assessments and rank list positions of applicants that went unmatched in Dermatology. They are reproduced here. It is Gomerblog’s hope that current medical students may gain insight into the ranking process of Dermatology programs and prepare themselves accordingly.

Applicant: Aspinder Singh

Notes: AOA, Gold Humanism Society, Step 1 score of 262. Honored 3/6 clerkships and lettered the other 3. President of dermatology interest group at medical school. Organized a mission trip to Nicarauga. However, got a 15/20 on MSK small group physical exam session in Med1 year.

Rank position: 23/25

Status: Unmatched

Applicant: Joesph Sleipka

Notes: AOA, Gold Humanism Society. Step 1 score 258. Took a year of research at Harvard and published 5 dermatology articles including a chapter in a textbook. However, got only a pass in his 1st year patient, profession, and society (PPS) small group class.

Rank position: 21/25

Status: Unmatched

Applicant: Gavin Best

Notes: AOA, Gold Humanism Society. Step 1 score 264. Elected president of his class med 1year and holds position at AMA on medical student engagement. 5 publications including well regarded article in NEJM. However got at 74% on an anatomy practical in August of his Med1 year.

Rank Position 22/25

Status: Unmatched

Applicant: Andrew Emerald

Notes: AOA, Gold Humanism. Step 1 score 260. Founded a non profit dedicated to conducting melanoma screenings throughout Texas. Glowing letter from Dermatology chair. However, received a 80% on biochemistry test in October of Med1.

Rank Position 24/25

Status: Unmatched

“Everything counts” concluded Dr. Ludwig. “That small group mock patient interview you have tomorrow, it could be the deciding factor in matching into Dermatology at Harvard or doing family medicine in Topeka Kansas. Take it all very seriously!”


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