One of my friends with Palliative Care started this, thank goodness… and I got obsessed with it. I think we all need this.
What started out as a few dozen songs has exponentially increased like COVID-19: there are well-over 1000 songs on it now, and that’s hugely in part to awesome suggestions from our Gomerblog fans (not increased testing). It was initially posted on Facebook, then thought maybe we should post it on our main site too.
What made the list is driven primarily by the song title. There are a few exceptions: Enya’s “Sail Away” is a salute to Princess Cruises, The Smashing Pumpkins’ “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” represents some anger & frustration we may carry, Radiohead’s “Idioteque” is loaded with lyrics that are fitting (We’re not scaremongering / This is really happening), and Lionel Richie’s “Hello”… well, I just thought it’d be funny to have it on here.
This list is broad; it can range from classical, country & Broadway to hip-hop, jazz & death metal. (Yes, I’ve even included “A Whole New World” from Aladdin.) So anyone who chooses to play this in an OR, be warned that Opeth or Slayer might blast at any moment!! Share with others, and keep sending suggestions our way! Be safe and double bandana if you have to.