‘Real World Medical School’ Canceled After One Episode

‘Real World Medical School’ Canceled After One Episode

SAN JOSE, CA – The Real World Medical School was immediately canceled by NBC after the first episode last night.  “Absolutely nothing exciting happened,” said viewer Stacy Henderson.

John went to the library and studied for the entire episode.  Emily had ramen noodles for dinner, slightly burned the roof of her mouth, and fell asleep on the sofa watching M*A*S*H re-runs.  Bill repeatedly held up flash cards walking around the house talking out loud and hitting himself if he didn’t get the card correct.  Timothy was found asleep at 8:00 p.m. since he had a gross anatomy test the next day.

Other highlights from the show included, Tim going to the refrigerator and becoming excited to realize that he still had leftover pizza and fava bean salad from 3 days ago from a drug rep.

The producers stated that they wanted to “kill themselves over boredom” when they had to watch 128 hours of library footage.

On paper, the show had all the right ingredients: young adults in their twenties, medical drama, and product placement.  “We had the coffee and energy drink sponsors all lined up but unfortunately grass growing literally beat Real World Medical School in ratings.”  He was referring to Watch Roger’s Grass Grow, a home produced show on public access.  “These ‘young-adults’ make normal decisions, not TV choices that were supposed to boost our ratings.”

“I thought there would be steamy sex and partying just like other shows,” said Henderson.  “It was the exact opposite.  I felt like going to bed and curling up with a book after watching this show.”

Quite possibly the best part of the show occurred when Emily checked the mail and received her tuition bill.  She let out a “big sigh” and tossed the bill on table.  Viewers could extrapolate from her reaction that the bill was pretty high.

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