Orthopedic Surgeon Creates a Cyborg by Mistake After Replacing Every Joint in the Body


“It wasn’t till my 80-year-old patient told me, ‘Hasta la vista, baby,’ that I realized that she has been turned into a T-810 by mistake,” told Dr. Bonehead to a GomerBlog representative.

“What was I supposed to do?  She kept on coming to me with joint pains and I kept on replacing them.  Knees, hips, shoulders, spine including coccyx, I mean you name it and I have replaced it,” he continued to explain while lost in space.

“I feel invincible,” said Ms. Terminator.  “I’m not only bullet proof but also needle proof.  Nurses can’t poke me anymore.  They don’t come close to me flailing their Foley catheters and rectal tubes.  No one dares messing with me as they don’t wanna receive a jab of my newly replaced iron fist especially when I’m sun downing,” said while fist pumping.  “Now, I’m totally resistant to recurrent UTI’s, pneumonia, stage IV decubitus ulcers, dehydration and fractures secondary to multiple falls.  The only thing that can kill me now is boiling lava,” Ms. Terminator continued.

In response to our question regarding her future plans, she said, “I’m going to Hollywood.  James Cameron has already offered me the lead role for the next sequel of the Terminator franchise. Its called the Dementinator.”

Be sure to check out Healthcare Not Fair, the author’s website HERE and their YouTube channel HERE for some hilarious short videos depicting the current state of our healthcare system.

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