Finally A Clinic Run by “Parents Who’ve Done Their Research” Opens


PORTLAND, OR – Great news out of Portland, Oregon today, the first in the nation, clinic run by “Parents Who’ve Done Their Research” opens.  This clinic totally circumvents the major obstacle between you and getting the right care: doctors.

Doctors for years have butted heads with parents who have done their research.  Whether it be vaccinations, diet, or essential oils & herbs that are missing from evidence-based medicine, these Parents who’ve done their research know best and will treat your child like your child should be treated.

“Most of the [medical] information is out there,” said Darron’s Mom.  “I belong to a Mommy group on Facebook and many are withholding vaccines because of all the toxins and chemicals that are used in them!  We apply research like that to our patients.”

This clinic will have everything you desire to treat your child, especially parents who have done their research.  Darron’s Mom’s Google University certificate is clearly displayed on the wall.  Plus she has printed out her best replies from comment threads across various sites on the internet.

“If you have done your research this is the clinic for you.  Want vaccines but have your own schedule?  Are they not based on thousands of studies, but on your friend’s (that is a nurse) recommendation?  Well, you did your research and know best, so stop on by,” Madison’s Mom told reporters.

No more finding that physician who lost their credentials at local hospitals to practice the medicine you deem most appropriate, you can just come here, to this clinic.  All the vending machines will have non-GMO gluten-free snacks.

“We will start seeing adults too in the space next door except that clinic will be called: “We Have Relatives That Are in Medicine” clinic.

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