Narc Madness


It’s that time of year, time to pick your favorite narcotic and see if it will make it to the final 4!  This year the bracket has expanded to include all of the pain relievers.


The Match-ups:

Dilaudid vs Demerol – The obvious overall #1 seed, Dilaudid, is favored every year, but we’ve seen some surprising outcomes in Narc Madness over the years- anything is possible!  With recent ER narcotic education, this is a perfect year for a Cinderella to emerge.  Unfortunately for Demerol, who used to be a perennial powerhouse in the 80s and 90s for pain management, was just lucky enough to make it to the big dance this year.

Our prediction – Dilaudid wins this easily. A fan favorite and a household name. Sorry Demerol this isn’t your year.

Hydrocodone vs. Oxycodone – Wow we are really excited for this match-up! This bitter rival has been going on for years and Hydro is looking forward to go head to head. Hydrocodone is looking to put itself on the map, while Oxycodone is the more popular one.

Our prediction – Hydrocodone will squeak this out in double overtime. BOOMSHOKALAKA

Motrin vs. That med that starts with a D – Motrin is a…. wait how did that med that starts with a D slip in? It was like whoever wrote the bracket didn’t really know what med they were talking about.  That med that starts with a D is really the only one that works.

Our prediction – No contest. That med that starts with a D.

Toradol vs. Nubain – Interesting match-up for sure. Nubain was built for defense against the traditional opioid and Toradol has been pretty powerful lately.

Our prediction – Nubain by a hair

Fentanyl vs. Ultram – Fentanyl is just too powerful and ultram works on a select ‘chosen’ few.

Our prediction – Fentanyl

Morphine vs. Tylenol – Well this is sad, Tylenol is the sacrificial lamb.  Hopefully they give it a strong effort on their way out.

Our prediction – Morphine

Celebrex vs. Methadone – Both long-acting pain relievers from two different classes. This will be a coin-flip for most people. We smell an upset.

Our prediction – Celebrex

Sufentanil vs. Codeine – We like the fact that Sufentanil is one of the most powerful legal narcotics.  Unfortunately not too many people will be able to watch this contest as most people have an allergy to codeine. Although nobody will be able to see it, Sufentanil will trounce codeine.

Our prediction – Sufentanil

Stay-tuned as the results will come in soon!

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