Home Internal Medicine Critical Care Area Doctor Obtains ‘DNR’ Tattoos At Every Central Venous Access Point After Stint at Rehab Facility

Area Doctor Obtains ‘DNR’ Tattoos At Every Central Venous Access Point After Stint at Rehab Facility


BOCA RATON, FL – After briefly working at a rehab facility, traumatized area physician Dr. Sri-Sheshadariprativadibayankaram rushed to a local tattoo parlor to have “DNR” permanently tattooed to every potential central venous access point on his body.  “I can’t let that happen to me,” offered the shaken doctor.  “I know I can complete out-of-hospital DNR forms, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

DNRSo far, the physician had permanent ink applied to his right internal jugular, right subclavian, right femoral, and also bilateral antecubital fossae access points, just in case somebody tried to throw in a PICC line.  “I had been thinking that maybe my lower back DNR tramp stamp tattoo would be good enough, but then I realized that people may not see it and then initiate CPR on me.”

Dr. Sri-Sheshadariprativadibayankaram states that he intends to obtain only a few more DNR tattoo on his lower legs “just in case some ER cowboy decides to throw in an interosseous line.”

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Dr Pablo Pistola had become increasingly dissatisfied with satisfaction-based forces in medicine. He felt like a doctor without a purpose. He subsequently embarked on a 7 year twerking quest in the Himalayan foothills to find his true calling. During this journey, he realized that he has a secret talent: his immense knowledge about women. He understands them. Legend has it that he can size up a woman’s soul in a mere instant. He didn’t ask for these powers. But with great powers come great responsibilities. So Dr Pablo Pistola (double-board certified in Love Medicine & Romance Medicine, with fellowship training in Seduction Medicine) has been dabbling in satirical erotic writing. And if satirical erotic writing can offer a viable exit strategy from medicine, then the world will be a better place. His responsibility is to bring the stories of lust to you. He also is an avid life-long Miami Heat fan. Follow him on twitter at @drpablopistola


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