Home Internal Medicine Hematology-Oncology Top 5 Medical Practices of 2016

Top 5 Medical Practices of 2016

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The list is out, the critics have weighed in, and of course a list was generated.  The TOP MEDICAL PRACTICES of 2016 are here.  So let’s kick them off:

5: Mayo Clinic – As you know Earth’s Finest Medical News Site reported that the Mayo Clinic was #1 after their bitter rivals, Cleveland Clinic, came out anti-vax.  This story is ‘technically’ true if you consider traditional hospitals.  As you will see this list includes every clinic in the world.mayo

4Google – Yup, if you just Google your disease and/or symptoms that is MUCH better than going to a dumb ‘hospital’ like even the ‘Mayo Clinic.’  Thousands of people treat their own heart attacks and sepsis just by Googling.  If it wasn’t for the Big Pharma, government conspiracy, all the hospitals would be bankrupt and you could just treat yourself.

3Parents Who’ve Done their Research Clinic – This tops Google only by a slight margin.  True, all the treating parents at this clinic have technically done their research from Google.  That research then led them to blogs and comment sections, but the information out there can be vast and overwhelming so we prefer the experts to sift through the data.  Heck, I have a game to watch!  We at Gomerblog think this clinic is superior than an amateur getting on Google and diving in.  Research is research whether it is double-blind placebo-controlled studies that are peer reviewed or surfing the net, all forms should be treated equally with a touch of gut-feeling decision making.

2: Ancient Chinese Medicine – What tops all modern medicine?  How about an herb derived from ancient Chinese medicine!  The culture that brought us glasses, gunpowder, and silk must surely be superior to gene transcription and mass spectrometers.  If you can find anything used by these ancient Chinese Doctors it will be superior to any modern medication or procedure with ZERO side effects, because nothing natural has ever hurt anyone.  So get your mortar and pestle and lets grind some plants!

1: Tijuana Medical Center – Yup if you are diagnosed with cancer or any other major illness we suggest crossing the border to get your care.  Especially if you’ve tried #1-4 above without results.  Tijuana is the epicenter for medical breakthroughs and you should be a part of this.  Disclaimer: Don’t drink the water when you are there, although they can treat every ailment successfully (because they avoid all the red tape of the FDA and U.S. government’s marriage to Big Pharma) they have yet to figure out a way to purify their drinking water for safe human consumption.


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