Oh No! ZDoggMD was Attacked by a Lion on Live Stream

LAS VEGAS, NV – Looks like Healthcare 3.0 will have to wait.  ZDoggMD was attacked by a lion on his live stream today.  ZDogg wuz droppin’ hard line after hard line about the problems we face as health care professionals when suddenly, out of nowhere, a lion leaped onto the scene and attacked ZDogg.

ZDoggMD is an inspiration to medical professionals everywhere from nurses to physicians to EMTs.

He will forever be known for his health satire videos, leading the new health care revolution, and Doc Vader.

“This is terrible news,” a Jennifer Carr, fellow Z-packer, told reporters.  “This is a huge loss for medicine right now.”

It isn’t known why ZDoggMD had a live lion in his house, or if he was the one who put it there.  Authorities aren’t commenting on the situation but an anonymous source from Las Vegas Police who isn’t authorized to comment told Gomerblog that this is looking like an attempt to harm ZDoggMD.  There are plenty of suspects.  He was known to have major beef with Dr. Oz, hospital administrators, and even Big Pharma.

ZDoggMD is in critical condition at a local hospital.  We will bring you more as this story develops.

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