Product Review: Littman’s Cordless Stethoscope

Pros: Portable stethoscope capable of listening to human organ noises.  No battery required!

Cons: The cordless nature of the device means you have no excuse not to listen to your patient’s heart and lungs.

Littman’s new cordless stethoscope is a modern engineering marvel. After decades of dealing with cumbersome, thick steel cables needed to transmit heart and lung sounds to your sensitive doctor ears, Littmann has introduced a listening device that provides the freedom and flexibility health care providers desperately need. No longer do you have to find a three pronged outlet to plug in your stethoscope for an exam. The Littmann cordless stethoscope can be used anywhere in the world without relying on a nearby power supply. Just insert the earpieces into your beautiful external auditory canals and voila, you are ready to hear any number of internal organ sounds without hindrance from pesky stethoscope wires.

How many times have been out on the street or in a large, isolated national park when somebody collapses and you have to send somebody to the hardware store to get an extension cord for your stethoscope? Too many if you ask me. With the Littmann cordless stethoscope you are freed from the shackles electricity. Thomas Edison would be rolling over in his grave!

Are you tired of lugging a stethoscope battery with you on rounds? Does wrapping a 20 foot long extension cord around your neck seem unwieldy and awkward. The cordless stethoscope’s sleek design allows you to carry it in your pocket, over your shoulder, or around your neck comfortably and without risk of strangulation.
Just read some of the testimonials who have tried the cordless stethoscope and never gone back to the corded variety.

Matt S, 3rd year med student:

“My stethoscope used to run on 26 D size batteries when it wasn’t plugged in at the nurses station. Now with my cordless stethoscope, I can pretend to listen to all the beeps and boops going on inside the heart without fussing with cables or battery packaging!”

Susan M, telemedicine nurse:

“The number of stethoscope wire related falls has plummeted since the introduction of the cordless stethoscope. Thanks Littmann!”

Don’t wait! Get your Littmann cordless stethoscope today!

Following a successful career as a doctor impersonator, Dr. Glaucomflecken decided to attend a real, accredited medical school and residency program. Now he spends his time treating eyeballs, occasionally forgetting that they belong to an actual human body. Dr. Glaucomflecken specializes in knowing where to look when talking to somebody with a lazy eye. He started writing for GomerBlog after being told to “publish or perish.” Follow me on Twitter @DGlaucomflecken
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