AMiON Scheduler To Be Replaced With A Simplified Text Saying ‘Yes’

on call

NEWTON, MA – In a move aimed at reducing operative costs, Spiral software’s administrative staff issued a statement according to which AMiON popular scheduler is to be replaced with a simplified “yes” text message.

Robert Kole, the company’s CFO explains the move: “AMiON is a tool that tells the resident if he/she is on or not. After 10 years of operation we’ve learned that this can be answered more efficiently by just saying yes”.

While residents from neurosurgery, intensive care and orthopedics were completely indifferent to this move, dermatology residents, who wished to remain anonymous, expressed dissatisfaction. “Usually on a post-post call day I like to take long naps around lunchtime as my body still recuperates from the call” said one of them. “How will I know which 2 days a week am I off?… I mean excluding the weekend obviously”.

The new version of AMiON is expected to remain popular in most specialties while is expected to lose popularity in dermatology, psychiatry, family medicine, and pathology.

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