Restaurant Patrons Sickened After Eavesdropping on Medical Professionals During Meal

healthcare workers eating

HAMDEN, CT – It was a chaotic scene at the local 24-hour diner as a mass casualty incident (MCI) requiring the response of multiple surrounding ambulance companies was declared during the dinner-time rush earlier this evening.  There was much confusion initially as several medical personnel were already on scene, calmly sipping their coffees and chewing their food, oblivious to the hysteria surrounding them.

The mix of physicians, nurses, and paramedics had gathered to relax after a reportedly grueling day at work and blow off some steam.  The told the tales of the day, inclusive of trails of C. diff, macerated body parts, and the discovery of stow-away maggots.  The group grew louder while swapping stories accented by knowing groans and inappropriate laughter.  Hearing such a jovial group, other patrons began eavesdropping on their stories.  That was the pivotal moment of tonight’s incident.

As wait staff began serving meals, they were met with looks of disgust as burgers ordered medium-rare were pushed aside, the hot open-faced turkey sandwich with gravy went untouched, and sides of rice were turned away.  Adults began gagging, children began screaming, someone cried.  The only indication that there was a stir around them was when a woman dragging her hungry child behind her approached their table on her way out and, while gagging back what little she had eaten, cried out, “How could you sit there and eat after those stories?” to which the group paused for a moment and went back to their meals and tales.

At the time of press, the diner was reopened to the public, however, the only ones willing to enter were fellow medical personnel.

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