
CDC Bans Certain Phrases from Use by Patients in the Emergency Department

Failure to adhere to these and other evidence-based rules could lead to fines, imprisonment, or to patients losing their entitlement to high quality emergency medical care. These “science-based” rules apply to vulnerable patients of all diversities: those who are transgender, those with a fetus, and those with severe acute illness are no exception.

“My temperature is normally low, so 98.6 is a fever for me

“I don’t have chest pain, it’s just a [pressure/tightness/heaviness]”

“My doctor usually gives me an antibiotic to treat [viral disease]”

“I’m spitting up blood”

“I have a high pain tolerance”

“I have multiple complaints”

“It’s in my chart”

“I know my body”
“I must be allergic to [medication] because my [close relative] is allergic”

“I need that medication that starts with a D”

“A good while”

“The flu shot gave me the flu”

“End-stage fibromyalgia”

“My doctor sent me to the ED for [non-indicated test]”

“My kid doesn’t usually complain, so I know he/she’s sick”

“I don’t like doctors”

“I don’t like nurses”

“I don’t like hospitals”

“I don’t like needles”

“I don’t believe in taking medicine”

“I’m just not myself”

“They didn’t do nothing for me”