Primary Care Office Installs People Mover

DENVER, CO – In an effort to satisfy the demands of hospital administration, the physicians at Suncare Health made the easy decision to install a people mover in their office.  Last month, administrators mandated that all primary care physicians see an average of 1 patient every 2 minutes.  After getting this notification, the office managers and physicians in the primary care building had a staffing meeting to brainstorm ideas to increase patient flow.  The only plausible way (hoverboards were voted down due to extra visits on the same day) was that a people mover had to be installed in the office.

After extensive research, it was noted that it was taking too long for patients to walk from the waiting room to the examination room, with average time being 25 seconds.  This time was significantly increased if the patient had a disability or if the nurse stopped to take a swig of her beverage, that was definitely not open at the nurses station.

The people mover, when activated according to manufacturing guidelines, could transport patients to the exam room in 10 seconds which would allow the physician to see the patient for a grand total of 90 seconds on average.

This solution has even impressed the administrators.  Tom Jones MBA noted, “You know, it hit me when I was going to one of my vacation homes in the tropics, why not have a people mover in the office.  All airports have them, you know?  I’m glad they came up with it before I brought it up.  When I got back from my two weeks off, I was going to shoot them an email about the idea.”

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