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Mother Who Pushed Child into Medicine Charged with Parental Malpractice


BOCA RATON, FL – An area mother who recklessly pushed her son into the field of medicine has been charged with 6 counts of parental malpractice by the Child Protective Services (CPS).  During a pretrial arraignment, Dr. Sri-Sheshadariprativadibyankaram was ordered by the judge to admit that his own mother pushed him into medicine.

court“I was full of potential before I became a doctor,” stated Dr. Sri-Sheshadariprativadibyankaram.  “I could have succeeded in many other professions.  Now I’m condemned to a life of constant charting, mindless mouse clicking, enormous debt, incessant pay cuts after years of deferred income, micromanagement by administrators, endless regulations, patient complaints, crippling depression, and liability.”

CPS officials claim that the doctor’s mother had easy access to mind-blowing physician burnout statistics which are available with simple Google searches.  In addition, she could have visited KevinMD.com to click on any link in the website’s enormous library of physician burnout articles.  In fact, it has been widely reported that even stock photo models who pose as burned out doctors are now themselves experiencing burnout. 

“Your Honor, I hope that my current situation can serve as a cautionary tale to parents, most often Asian, who force their children into medicine,” said Dr. Sri-Sheshadariprativadibyankaram.  “The information is out there about how damaging a career in medicine can be, if only they would take the time to open their eyes.  Now, Your Honor, please excuse me because I just got texted by an administrator that my pay will be cut again by 50% if I don’t close all my open charts from my frenetic clinic today before midnight.”  The doctor then sprinted out of the courtroom with a defeated and lifeless look in his eyes.

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Dr Pablo Pistola had become increasingly dissatisfied with satisfaction-based forces in medicine. He felt like a doctor without a purpose. He subsequently embarked on a 7 year twerking quest in the Himalayan foothills to find his true calling. During this journey, he realized that he has a secret talent: his immense knowledge about women. He understands them. Legend has it that he can size up a woman’s soul in a mere instant. He didn’t ask for these powers. But with great powers come great responsibilities. So Dr Pablo Pistola (double-board certified in Love Medicine & Romance Medicine, with fellowship training in Seduction Medicine) has been dabbling in satirical erotic writing. And if satirical erotic writing can offer a viable exit strategy from medicine, then the world will be a better place. His responsibility is to bring the stories of lust to you. He also is an avid life-long Miami Heat fan. Follow him on twitter at @drpablopistola


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