CAMDEN, NJ – Seeking to branch out into the world of medicine for the first time, Prego has teamed up with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to bring expecting mothers and their families a new line of pasta sauces to celebrate the miracle of birth.
“Many people think that our pasta sauce was named after the Italian phrase for ‘You’re welcome!’ but that’s not the case,” explained Campbell Soup Company CEO Denise Morrison. Prego is a trademark of Campbell Soup. “In reality, we’ve been building to this moment where a woman can proudly tell her family ‘I’m Prego!’ and then celebrate over spaghetti, lasagna, and any of our delicious new combination of pasta sauces.”
Prego will have four new sauces: Folate Calcium Parmesan for the first trimester, Tomato Iron Basil for the second trimester, Vitamin D Placenta Meatball for the third trimester, and Artisan Blue Cheese for the postpartum period. All four recipes have been painstakingly tested by medical students and have passed with flying colors in taste tests.
“I personally love the placenta sauce,” advocated third-year medical student Ryan Butler. “If you can believe it, it’s even better than our cafeteria’s placenta dish. So so good!”
Though Prego doesn’t want to disappoint the masses and fall short on flavor, they kindly want to remind everyone that their focus is really on the expecting mom and her gestating fetus. Those are the taste buds they really want to satisfy.
“The sauces celebrate the developing fetus’ needed for essential nutrients: folate, calcium, vitamin D, garlic, and parmesan,” explained Morrison. “Then to celebrate all of the stresses the arrival of this little bundle of joy brings, what could possibly pair better with the baby blues than some artisanal blue cheese?” The postpartum sauce is Morrison’s favorite. “I bet Caesar would approve.” Roman emperor Julius Caesar is credited with creating the C-section when he declared, “I came, I saw, I delivered.”
The new Prego pasta sauces are due to hit the shelves later this month.