George Bush: I Misunderestimated the Weapon of Mass Destruction in My Coronaries: Atherosclerosis

DALLAS, TX – George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States, had a coronary artery stent placed on Wednesday.  Dubbya said he went to the doctor with chest pain, but blamed it on acid reflux from the Nachos Grande he just finished.

“Since I’m the decider, I decided it was the jalapeños.”  Bush then told reporters he went into the doctor earlier that week, for what he thought was also reflux symptoms.  “Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice shame on… Well the point is I misunderestimated my atherosclerosis.”

The Texan went under cardiac catheterization where cardiologists placed a stent in his coronary artery, preventing a myocardial infarction.  Some cardiologists claim there were no plaques of mass atherosclerosis found and a stent should have never been placed.  We will leave it up to the history books to decide.

At discharge the former President said, “Turns out the strategery of the atherosclerosis was to cause terror to my heart.  Not anymore.”

Mission: Accomplished.

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