Home Editor's Picks Hospital Administrators Chastise Emergency, Surgical & Medical Staff for Patient Satisfaction Scores Lagging Behind L&D

Hospital Administrators Chastise Emergency, Surgical & Medical Staff for Patient Satisfaction Scores Lagging Behind L&D

"Provide care that is equivalent to bringing a bundle of joy into this world!"

BOCA RATON, FL – Staff from three departments – Emergency, Surgery & Internal Medicine – received scathing criticism from hospital administrators at today’s monthly meeting for allowing their patient satisfaction scores to “lag behind” the near 99% patient satisfaction marks earned by the Labor & Delivery floor.

hospital administrator
“Provide care that is equivalent to bringing a bundle of joy into this world!”

“This is unacceptable” emphasized Chloë Less, Head of Quality Control.  “We went into that meeting determined to figure out why satisfaction scores could be so different between a patient welcoming their first adorable bundle of joy and another patient in the very same hospital who just had a traumatic amputation of both legs after a motor vehicle collision.  Clearly the Emergency, Surgical & Medical staff members aren’t pulling their weight.  Our plan is to find somebody to blame.”

The hospital administrators’ PowerPoint presentation culminated in what Ms. Chloë Less characterized as “the knockout punch” for the 3 criticized departments.  “Our last slide showed us that a hospital pathologist had earned a perfect 5-star online patient satisfaction rating [total survey sample of 2] despite never having interacted with patients.  These are shocking numbers.  And we all know that numbers never lie, and that the customer is always right.”

After the slideshow presentation ended, hospital administrators pressed the Emergency, Surgical & Medical floors to “think outside the box” and to come up with effective strategies to help their satisfaction scores “catch up” with Labor & Delivery.

“We, of course, informed all 3 departments that their staff members will be forced to attend a 16-hour-long remedial Customer Satisfaction Training Workshop, offered on weekends for the sake of convenience,” said Ms. Chloë Less.  “But we wanted to make bold changes, and we were disappointed by the silence in the room.”

Hospital administrators subsequently sprung into action and presented multiple “quality solutions” to augment ER & Med/Surg patient satisfaction scores:

• Initiate an overhead alarm to alert staff in real time when the aggregate patient satisfaction scores drop below 95%.  This system would mimic the national “Terror Level” threat with a complex rainbow color scheme (e.g. magenta would indicate that a patient on the floor was not satisfied with the soup selection from meal trays).

• Offer unlimited lozenges to patients, thereby bypassing the need for the nurse to page the physician at 3:01 AM for lozenge dispensation authorization.

• Dispense “Free Percocet” at strategic locations throughout the hospital campus, preferably near coffee machines on each floor so that the pills could be conveniently crushed & added to beverages.

Cut pay for the nursing staff.  Again.

• Expand the role of the newborn photographer on the Labor & Delivery floor to also take pictures of patients returning from the catheterization lab after massive heart attacks.  Several hospital administrators suggested that the 3 “slacking” departments “follow the lead of Labor & Delivery” in helping patients who are battling life-threatening illnesses/accidents by making “cute little commemorative hand-prints & foot-prints” [except amputees] as keepsakes to take home and “cherish forever in their scrapbooks”

When contacted by GomerBlog for comment, trauma surgeon Sri-Sheshadariprativadibayankaram, MD, JD, MBA flatly said, “So now they’re comparing ‘the best day of my life’ to ‘the worst day of my life?’…….. Okay.”

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Dr Pablo Pistola had become increasingly dissatisfied with satisfaction-based forces in medicine. He felt like a doctor without a purpose. He subsequently embarked on a 7 year twerking quest in the Himalayan foothills to find his true calling. During this journey, he realized that he has a secret talent: his immense knowledge about women. He understands them. Legend has it that he can size up a woman’s soul in a mere instant. He didn’t ask for these powers. But with great powers come great responsibilities. So Dr Pablo Pistola (double-board certified in Love Medicine & Romance Medicine, with fellowship training in Seduction Medicine) has been dabbling in satirical erotic writing. And if satirical erotic writing can offer a viable exit strategy from medicine, then the world will be a better place. His responsibility is to bring the stories of lust to you. He also is an avid life-long Miami Heat fan. Follow him on twitter at @drpablopistola


  1. I don’t think I’ve ever let the Internet get me all butthurt before. And I LOVE gomerblog. But I’d like to send out a big, fat “Fuck you!” To my fellow nurses who think we don’t do real nursing and it’s all rainbows and unicorns in L&D.

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever let the Internet get me all butthurt before. And I LOVE gomerblog. But I’d like to send out a big, fat “Fuck you!” To my fellow nurses who think we don’t do real nursing and it’s all rainbows and unicorns in L&D.

  3. So true… Cuts to nursing pay and dispensing of blame from on high is the ONLY way to improve both patient satisfaction AND team morale.

    (Sorry…. Didn’t mean to imply that doctors and nurses working closely together constitute a “team.” That would be unheard of!)

  4. Start with the patients mind set when they arrive at the hospital. Some departments like ED and surgery start in the hole as compared to L and D where pts are generally happy coming in.

  5. Surgery needs to step up. How about free tattoos and piercings while under anesthesia. These are painful procedures and no one should have to suffer. Hey, complimentary with any already scheduled procedure!

  6. Patient satisfaction scores are idiotic ways to evaluate hospitals. They are not Hilton’s And the people who actually do all the work at these hospitals no it. Not the idiots who run them

  7. I think that the vascular & orthopaedic services should offer hand / foot prints prior to amputation for the patient to take home as a keep sake. Also the L&D photographer could follow the patient to the OR where they could photograph the surgeon cuddling said amputated appendage.

  8. I think that the vascular & orthopaedic services should offer hand / foot prints prior to amputation for the patient to take home as a keep sake. Also the L&D photographer could follow the patient to the OR where they could photograph the surgeon cuddling said amputated appendage.


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