
NICU Patient Graduates High School

ST. LOUIS, MO – It’s a special occasion in the life of J’ramyah Boba Fett, as he overcomes the odds stacked against him by his mutant NICU name and graduates not only from the neonatal intensive care unit, but from high school as well.

Originally born at 26 weeks gestational age, the future didn’t always look so bright for J’ramyah. Bowel perforations, drains, intraventricular hemorrhage, VP shunts, PDA ligations, the surgeries for the poor young baby seemed endless when he was born in 1998. But, due to the hard work of his neonatologist, Dr. Kiddo, he persevered, but never quite good enough to actually leave the NICU.

“It was a three steps forward, two steps back kind of thing for, gosh 18 years I suppose,” recollects Dr. Kiddo from her retirement home in Florida.

“Finding an incubator and cute bili glasses big enough were a few of the many struggles of keeping a growing boy down here,” states long time nurse Martha Jackson.

“He still craves those sugar water ‘Sweeties,’” J’ramyah’s mother, Mrs. Fett said with a smile.

J’ramyah is graduating at the top of his class and is excited to see the sun and interact with other human beings.