
Female Medical Student Looking Forward to Graduating and Being Called Miss

ALBANY, NY – Annabell Mittelschmerz is relishing the thought of graduating medical school in 10 short months and starting an extremely rewarding 5 years as a general surgery intern. But more than that is graduating and finally having patients call her “Miss Mittelschmerz.”

“It has been a grueling 3 years of med school thus far after studying like crazy through college to get into med school. But now, it is finally drawing close, the day when I can have patients ignore it all and call me Miss,” dreamed Mittelschmerz. “All that hard work to be treated as inferior to my male counterparts is going to be totally worth it.”

When asked what she was most excited about residency, student doctor Mittelschmerz replied, “Honestly, it’s to be presumed to be a nurse, a PA, a physical therapist or pretty much anything except a doctor despite being in a herd of nothing but doctors who all happen to be males.”

Mittelschmerz is thrilled to be following in the footsteps of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, Dr. Meredith Grey, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and countless other physicians called nurse over the years.