
Learn the Lyrics to “Rudolph the Brown-Nosed Intern”

Are you ready to sing along to this Christmas classic?!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

“Why does everyone keep saying I need a tissue?”

You know Thomas and Becky and Patrick and Vicki
Connie and Colin and Steven and Ricky
But do you recall
The most annoying intern of all?

Verse 1
Rudolph the Brown-Nosed Intern
Had a very smelly nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it’s gross

Verse 2
All of the other interns
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Play in any bedside games

Verse 3
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
His attending came to say:
“Rudolph, with your nose so brown
Please stop sucking up on rounds!”

Verse 4
Then how the interns mocked him
As they shouted out with fear
“Rudolph the Brown-Nosed Intern
Disimpact that patient’s rear!”

Repeat Verses 1 through 4