
Always Blame Nephrology

Intern: Patient’s BP is now 90/50.

Resident: This is from pulling too much fluid with dialysis

Intern: Patient didn’t get any dialysis today

Resident: Then, it is from the dialysis done 2 days ago

Intern: They just called me, patient is altered and has left sided weakness

Resident: This is uremia. Call renal for emergent dialysis

Intern: He just had dialysis yesterday and he doesn’t miss any session

Resident: It doesn’t matter. It is always uremia

Intern: Patient is complaining that he is bored and wants to go smoke.

Resident: This is from not removing enough fluids with dialysis. Call renal for additional UF

Friday at 5 pm:

Intern: Patient’s creatinine is 1.8, has been like this for the past 2 weeks

Resident: Make sure to call nephrology before the weekend