It has been clearly documented that patients requiring multiple blood transfusions have poorer outcomes than patients who are not bleeding and hence have fewer blood transfusions.(1-2)  Using this logic, we examined our large patient database to compare outcomes for those healthy patients who were seldom seen by a physician with patients that required multiple physician contacts.

sick patientResults: Patients requiring frequent or multiple physician contact had more medical problems and poorer overall outcomes than those healthy patients who were seldom seen.

Conclusion: The obvious conclusion is that less medical care is associated with better outcomes.  We recommend limiting physician interaction with seriously ill patients in order for those patients to benefit from the improved longevity directly associated with less medical attention.


  • Rubin AD, et al: Survival outcomes in patients who hemorrhage and require transfusions; they don’t do as well as healthy non-transfused patients. Hosp Admin Quarterly (2015) 115: 1010-1050.
  • Quack BS: Don’t transfuse, just let them bleed. Am J Quality Metrics (2016) 23: 57-60.