Home Quizzes CME: So I’m Reading Your Note, Can You Explain a Few Abbreviations to Me?

CME: So I’m Reading Your Note, Can You Explain a Few Abbreviations to Me?




CME: So I’m Reading Your Note, Can You Explain a Few Abbreviations to Me?

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Excuse me?  Hey!  Sorry to bother you.  Did you write this note?  You did?  Okay, good!  See, I’m trying to read your note, which is quite sloppy might I add, and you use a lot of abbreviations.  A LOT.  Would you mind, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, if you could answer a few questions for me?

With your help, I can figure out what kind of note this is. Thank you so much!

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