NASHVILLE, TN–The United Network for Organ Sharing announced today plans to unroll 500 dockless electric scooters for ride sharing purposes in major metropolitan cities that have robust transplant programs. This new brand, Harvest Ride, will have one noticeable difference compared to markets leaders such as Bird and Lime: these Harvest Ride scooters will not be part of a for-profit enterprise. The main goal will be increasing available organs.

“The major demographic using these scooters are healthy millennials,” says Kris Kanlas, spear-heading the effort in Nashville, home of the pilot program. “The majority of mishaps on scooters occur at relatively slow speeds. Slow enough, in fact, that internal organs are well-preserved. Without any silly, intrusive mandate for helmets, we have seen a sharp upswing in serious head trauma: bachelorette parties have been such a boon in Nashville, for instance. One inebriated twenty-something can give kidneys, liver, heart and lungs. It’s a mathematical win.”

If the Nashville experiment is a success, the next wave of roll-outs will be close to major transplant centers and airports to accommodate the shorter “ice times” of hearts and livers. If successful, then this initiative will progress to more rural areas to increase the numbers of available kidneys.

“Scooter ride-shares ignore smaller markets,” says Coffi Cla, strategic director. “There are huge untapped markets for organs. The scooter service is really a loss leader here. People in the boonies want to be able to zip around without concern for parking or safety.”

“There will be no charge for the use of a Harvest Ride,” explains Kanlas. “With a quick swipe of a driver’s license that has chosen to be an organ donor, the vehicle is ready. Obviously, if someone with a non-organ donor license attempts to use a scooter, it will not turn on.” There are plans being put into place for a 24/7 toll-free line for immediate enrollment for donation. This will allow instant activation of the desired Harvest Ride.

Obviously, a fee-less system is a disruptive innovation. Harvest Ride has already begun taking flack from competitors about the quality of their scooters. But this doesn’t not seem to worry the team.

“We don’t want a perfectly maintained fleet. Accidents happen all the time.” says Harvey Stephens, VP of operations. “Especially if parts are loose.”

Stephens is already looking at the feasibility of smaller scooter zones in the suburbs south of Nashville close to first-responder facilities. He also says that Harvest Ride’s exciting awards initiative will begin with the first rollout in Nashville. “There will be a very exciting awards program based on how fast you can get your Harvest Ride. In short, the faster you go, the more points you accumulate. Erratic turning also scores points. Points can be redeemed for…you’ll just have to wait and see!”

Cla believes this is the true meaning of ride share. “Other alleged ride share companies charge riders money. That’s not what sharing is. Sharing is giving something you have to someone who is in need. You share a sandwich. You share a toy. You share a kidney. Those other companies are ride-renters. They don’t really care about the client. They just want to make money. Harvest Ride will become the epitome of true ride sharing. Scoot fast and save a life!