Home Anesthesiology Local Man Relieved He Was Able to Yell at His Surgeon Just Before Going Under

Local Man Relieved He Was Able to Yell at His Surgeon Just Before Going Under

Local Man Relieved He Was Able to Yell at His Surgeon Just Before Going Under

HERSHEY, PA – Early reports are coming in that local man, Frank Demmer, chewed out his surgeon in pre-operative bay five.  “I’m just happy I was able to yell at him before I went back to the operating room,” Frank said.  “I told him off, he won’t forget me, that son of a [expletive].”

Long Grey Beard Senior Man Looking at You ToughFrank had a very loud interaction with his surgeon, Dr. Hartrup, this morning.  At this time it is unknown what all the yelling and screaming was about, we can only confirm that Mr. Dremmer was letting his surgeon “have it.”  The entire pre-op area heard Frank saying “… and my uncle is a lawyer, so you better not mess this up you piece of [expletive].”

Frank also belongs to a infamous motorcycle gang and used his well-known status to threaten not only the surgeon’s life but everyone else involved in the operation and also their families, if something went wrong.

According to sources Frank was happy he got under Dr. Hartrup’s skin.  “He was shaking so bad, that [expletive]!  He was so scared.”  He also glowed with pride knowing that he put “the fear of God in his doctor” just before he went under general anesthesia for his cardiac bypass.

Dr. Hartrup was seen at the scrub station looking white as a ghost, shaking and sweating profusely.



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