
Recently Justin Timberlake announced to the world that he is not planning to vaccinate his child.  Evidently all the scientific evidence looks different behind those sexy eyes.  Like other celebrity anti-vaxxers, Justin is so adamantly against vaccination, he will release his previous hits with new lyrics.  Gomerblog was lucky enough to obtain an early copy:

(Verse 1)
I’m bringing measles back
Them other boys don’t know how to vax
I think you’re special, what’s that on your back?
So turn around and I’ll look at that rash

Talcum for my itch

Fevers, babe
You see these white spots
Baby, I have malaise
Damn coryza and my eyes so red
It’s just the measles make me feel this way

Contagious rubeola

Come here child
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
No to the vax
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
Jokes on me
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
Let me see what your fever is
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
Clearly septic
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
You make me smile
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
Go ahead child
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
And get your measles on

Get your measles on
Go to bed, you’ve now caught it
(Repeat 6 times)

Get your measles on

(Verse 2)
I’m bringing measles back
Those f**king doctors don’t know any crap
Even if Wakefield was a total sham
And Jenny McCarthy’s more toxic than Spam

Talcum for my itch



(Verse 3)
I’m bringing measles back
You motherf**kers watch how measles attacks
If that’s your girl, better treat her stat
Cause she’ll infect the world and that’s a fact

Contagious rubeola
