Nurses, nursing students, CNAs, sometimes you just need that extra laugh to get you through a horrible shift.  Take 2 minutes to flip through these memes and hopefully we can give you enough energy to finish up charting and calculating those I+Os!  Enjoy!

Nursing autoclaved

nursing punch in throat

nursing test

nursing wtf

Nursing stories at home



Nursing RN


Nursing curtain for room

Nursing pens

Nursing mommy sick

nursing lifting patients

Nursing sick

Nursing IV start

Nursing IV backup

Nursing isolation precautions

Hospital hilton

Nurses in hell

Nurses good day

Nurses good day

Nurses foley placement

Nurses etoh foley

nurses fart

Nurse emergency
nursing dump service

Bad doctors

Nurses disimpact

nurses hypochondriac

Nurses crazy patient

Medical crazy patients

Nurses cocktail medication

Nurses charted

Nursing care plan

Nursing call light

Nursing temperature cake

nurses hospital bonus

nurses bathed patient

nurses quiet night

male nurses

c diff smell

broken arm
